CategoriesHealthy Foods

Which is healthier option – Jaggery or Brown Sugar

If you have a sweet tooth, you are probably concerned about how many calories you consume while eating your favourite dessert. However, if you obtain detailed information on the calorie content of two commonly used sweeteners, you can choose your preferred sweetener. Sweeteners such as Jaggery and sugar are widely used throughout the country. In addition, honey and brown sugar are used. This article will compare the calories in Jaggery to those in brown sugar. How is Jaggery better for you than Brown Sugar?

Sugar has been a staple of our diet since prehistoric times. Many of our desserts, smoothies, shakes, and drinks are only sweet because of the sugar. It balances the flavour of the other ingredients while providing numerous health benefits. However, we have heard many people say that you should limit the amount of sugar in your diet, that sugar causes many health problems, and so on. As a result, many people are confused about white sugar crystals and other healthy alternatives to sugar, such as brown sugar and organic jaggery powder, to name a few.

Brown sugar and Jaggery are both used as sweeteners in foods and beverages. Both have a similar taste and color, but some differences make each ingredient unique in its way.

Both Jaggery and brown sugar are considered healthier alternatives to white sugar, but when it comes to choosing between them, we frequently confuse the benefits of each. Learn the distinctions between brown sugar and Jaggery and which is superior.

So, let us go over brown sugar and Jaggery one by one. Essentially, we must recognize that all types of sugar available on the market, whether regular sugar, brown sugar, or Organic Jaggery Powder, come from a single source: sugar cane. The primary distinction between them is the different processing methods. Molasses is a dark brown-coloured juice obtained during the processing of sugar cane. It is separated to get fine crystals of white sugar. Brown sugar is obtained by further processing molasses, whereas Jaggery is unrefined coarse brown sugar obtained through traditional methods.

Difference between Jaggery and brown sugar

  1. Jaggery is made using a unique process and method. Jaggery is unrefined sugar that is produced without the use of a centrifuge. Brown sugar, on the other hand, is refined sugar that has been centrifuged. Because the charcoal treatment is part of the white sugar refinement process, Jaggery is vegan, whereas brown sugar is not.
  2. Jaggery is naturally derived from sugar cane but can also be obtained from palm sap. Sugar cane is the source of the sugar crystals and molasses in brown sugar. Jaggery is more expensive and scarcer than brown sugar. Brown sugar is more widely used worldwide, while Jaggery is only found in a few places
  3. Jaggery is less sweeter than brown sugar, and its colour can range from light brown to dark brown. Brown sugar is consistent because it is simply white sugar mixed with molasses.
  4. As Jaggery contains vitamins and minerals, it is a healthier alternative to white sugar. However, it is still a type of sugar, and consuming too much of it can harm one’s health.
  5. Good quality jaggery contains approximately 70% sucrose. White sugar, on the other hand, has 99.7 percent sucrose.

Nutritional Value

  1. Both products have the same number of calories. Certain minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium, are found in molasses but only in trace amounts in brown sugar. As a result, you will receive no real benefits. Jaggery, on the other hand, is healthier than brown or white sugar because it contains iron and minerals.


  1. Jaggery has a lower sweetness than brown sugar. It tastes different than brown sugar because it is mineral-rich.

Glycemic Index

  1. It is a metric or value that indicates how slowly or quickly a food raises blood glucose levels in your body. Food with a low GI value releases glucose steadily and slowly, whereas food with a high GI value releases glucose rapidly.

The chart shows the Glycemic index of Jaggery is 87.4, and 65 is the glycemic index of Brown sugar.

Sweetener GI
Jaggery 84.1
Sugar 65
Brown Sugar 64
Honey 45-64

Is Jaggery and Brown Sugar the same?

No, Jaggery and brown sugar are not interchangeable. The previous section demonstrated that some significant differences do not make them the same. However, if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you must reduce sugar intake. Based on the nutrition facts for brown sugar Gi and Jaggery, it appears that Jaggery is more beneficial than brown sugar.

If you have diabetes, you can consume Jaggery in moderation because it has the potential to raise blood sugar levels.


Jaggery can be used in the same ways as sugar, such as in cooking, baking, flavouring, and sweetening food and drinks. By substituting Jaggery for sugar in muffins, you can increase the effectiveness of Jaggery as a baking ingredient. They found no discernible difference in the final product’s appearance, taste, or storability. Jaggery can be combined with natural flavourings like black pepper, ginger, lemon, or cardamom, as well as nutritional additives like protein, amino acids, and vitamins. In some countries, Jaggery is referred to as medicinal sugar and is consumed to promote health and a longer life span.

Benefits of Jaggery

Unlike sugar, Jaggery is high in vitamins and minerals, essential components of a healthy diet. Researchers believe that the magnesium found in Jaggery improves nervous system function and that the high iron content may protect against anaemia. Jaggery consumption regularly can:

  • increase energy levels
  • treat lung and bronchial infections
  • relieve constipation
  • relieve stress
  • treat premenstrual syndrome
  • have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties
  • aid in digestion, detox the liver and blood

We should consume sugars in moderation. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, a person’s daily intake of added sugar should be less than 10% of total calories.


It is critical to maintaining one’s health and fitness. You must keep track of your calories to do so. And if you have a sweet tooth, you should keep track of the calories you consume while tasting anything sweet. According to WHO guidelines, an adult’s recommended amount of sugar is less than 10% of the total calories consumed. As a result, 3 to 4 teaspoons of sugar per day is considered safe for a healthy person.

Finally, regardless of whether our taste buds prefer high caloric and sweet dishes, we can conclude that Organic Jaggery powder is an excellent substitute for regular and brown sugar. Undoubtedly, it is high in nutrients and thus provides numerous health benefits. So, choose healthy ways to prepare your meals and stay fit.

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CategoriesHealthy Foods

Benefits of having Gluten free Diet

Gluten-free food items have become fashionable, and there is much debate over the health benefits and risks of doing so, even if you do not have gluten intolerance. However, for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, a gluten-free diet is essential. Gluten can be found in practically every food, from bread and cereals to snacks, drinks, and sauces. While it may be difficult to eliminate gluten-containing foods, the effort is well worth it. Gluten is a form of protein found in grains such as barley, rye or wheat with which we make starchy foods like bread, pasta or cereal.

While some starchy foods, such as potatoes or rice are inherently gluten-free, some regular meals may be off-limits on the gluten-free diet, according to USDA guidelines for 2020–2025. Most individuals can digest gluten and pass it through their systems without issue. Still, those with celiac disease, wheat allergy, or gluten intolerance have a harder time doing so. There are several myths about the gluten-free diet, but one thing is certain: it provides tremendous health benefits to those who have gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Here are a few of the health benefits of following a gluten-free diet.

Improves energy levels

Gluten sensitivity causes chronic fatigue in a large number of people. This is because gluten affects their intestines, impairing the absorption of various minerals, including iron. Anemia is caused by a deficiency of iron, which causes exhaustion and intolerance to activity. Switching to a gluten-free diet can help your intestines heal, improving nutrient absorption and energy levels.

Aids in weight loss

Gluten intolerance and Celiac disease have symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, gas, and fatigue, which can be nonspecific, leading to misdiagnosing the disorder for decades. This causes dietary deficits and severe and uncontrollable weight loss in many cases. A gluten-free diet will help in weight loss while eliminating certain nutritional deficiencies.

Eliminates bloating

If you have gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you will most likely experience bloating and gas after eating gluten-containing foods. You will notice an immediate improvement when you switch to a gluten-free diet since your digestive problems will subside and visibly flatten your stomach after your meal.

Joint Pain is Reduced

Gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are most commonly linked to the gastrointestinal tract, but they can have far-reaching consequences. Celiac disease increases the risk of inflammation by causing an abnormal immune response. Celiac disease is associated with joint discomfort, particularly in the knees, back, and wrists. A gluten-free diet can help prevent this type of joint discomfort, but eating even a small amount of gluten can cause your symptoms to return.

Reduces the frequency of headaches

Scientists have found that the stomach and brain are closely connected in recent decades, and various research is underway to determine the exact ramifications of this gut-brain relationship. Migraine headaches are more common in gluten-intolerant people who have celiac disease. However, switching to a gluten-free diet has been shown to help reduce the frequency of these headaches.

Reduces depression

Celiac disease patients are most likely to be depressed. Researchers discovered, however, that adhering to a gluten-free diet had a positive impact on depressive symptoms and could improve a patient’s quality of life.

Reduces lactose tolerance

Lactose intolerance is common in those who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. The enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose contained in dairy products, is produced by the stomach lining. Gluten sensitivity causes damage to the intestines, which makes lactase production difficult. This is a temporary effect, and a gluten-free diet will improve gut health and reduce or eliminate lactose intolerance symptoms.

Improves bone health

Patients with undiagnosed celiac disease frequently have substantial calcium deficits due to nutritional malabsorption. Calcium malabsorption has been related to a high risk of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Researchers discovered that celiac patients who ate a gluten-free diet significantly increased bone mineral density.

Improves skin health

Eczema and psoriasis are more common in people who have undiagnosed celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. A gluten-free diet can help you improve your overall skin health and possibly eliminate some skin problems.

Reduces hair loss

Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity have been linked to nutritional deficits, which lead to hair loss. A gluten-free diet can aid in reversing hair loss, increasing hair density, and improving hair texture.

Celiac disease and gluten intolerance include symptoms comparable to irritable bowel syndrome. Doctors frequently recommend serology tests that look for specific antibodies in your blood to lessen the possibility of a mistake. Celiac illness and gluten sensitivity have no cures, so you’ll have to exclude gluten-containing items from your diet for the rest of your life.

While a gluten-free diet can be restrictive, many nutritious and tasty alternatives are available. Eat whole, single-ingredient foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources. They will satisfy your stomach while also promoting good health.

Remember– “Healthy” Looks Different for Everyone

It’s easy to assume that what’s good for one person is also good for you. But unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Everyone has a unique combination of genes, gut bacteria, and environmental factors that contribute to their identity. This means that everyone reacts differently to diets, including gluten-free diets! The only way to find out if it works for you is to give it a shot! If you reap the benefits, great! If not, it’s time to move on to something else. Going gluten-free is an excellent place to begin your health journey, especially if you suspect gluten malfeasance! Why don’t you give a try to ZZorganic gluten free products

CategoriesHealthy Foods

Nutritional Facts of Bajra Flour you must know

Bajra, also known as pearl millet, is one of the world’s major sources of nutrition. It is, however, grown in Africa and India and consumed in many other parts of the world.

Bajra is the edible seeds of pearl millet plants typically cooked as a cereal grain or finely ground and used as flour. 

In general, cooked millet is a nutrient-dense source of protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant chemicals. It is also gluten-free and a suitable choice for people with celiac disease or those following a gluten-free diet. Here is a general overview of the super grain bajra and its health benefits


Bajra, like a whole-grain food, has been linked to numerous health benefits such as:


1. Good for diabetic diet – Pearl millets contain carbohydrates that digest slowly and keep blood glucose levels stable for a long time. As a result, they are a healthy food option for a diabetic.


2. Beneficial for heart health – Rich in dietary fibres and cholesterol-lowering properties, these grains are good for heart patients. 


3. Perfect for Celiac disease and gluten intolerance – Patients with celiac disease and gluten intolerance can benefit from a pearl millet-based diet because it is gluten-free and easily tolerated by everyone.


4. Therapeutic for people with frequent acidity and stomach ulcers – Pearl millets are one of the few foods that reduce stomach acidity, limiting ulcer formation and discomfort caused by frequent bouts of acidity. 


5. Prevents Constipation- Bajra benefits include promoting good gut health. In layman’s terms, eating pearl millets will keep constipation at bay. This is due to the presence of insoluble fibre in bajra.


6. Provides protein to vegetarians- Those who are vegetarians cannot get the needed protein from meat and fish products. This is where pearl millets come in. Bajra’s health benefits include its ability to provide vegetarians with the protein they require. When combined with seeds such as rajma, moong dal, chana dal, and others, bajra flour becomes complete.


7. Lowers Blood pressure- Bajra is well-known for its potassium content, which is essential for people with high blood pressure. Consuming more potassium-rich foods will help flush sodium from your body, lowering blood pressure.


8. Makes bone stronger – The high phosphorus content of bajra helps in making your bones stronger.


9. Lowers cholesterol- Pearl millets contain a sufficient amount of good fat, which is the desired quality of food for people with high cholesterol.


10. Nutritious baby food – Pearl millets are easily digested and well-tolerated by children, making them an essential ingredient in baby food preparations during the weaning period and beyond.


11. Reduces the adverse effects of free radicals in the body and reduces the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cardiovascular diseases, and aids in wound healing.


12. Ideal for weight management and obesity.


13. Reduces the risk of colon cancers – It raises the pH of the stomach, lowering the risk of colon cancer.


14. Because of the iron and folic acid content, this food is nutritious for pregnant women and nursing mothers.



How to consume Bajra or Pearl Millet:

Bajra is available in various forms for daily consumption. It can be used as flour to make flatbread or dosa, grains to make porridge, processed grains to make poha or upma for breakfast, and as a snack millet or multigrain cookies. The numerous health benefits of bajra make it an ideal superfood for everyone to consume regularly.

The perfect balanced diet can be made by combining your favorite millet recipe with protein-rich dishes containing lentils, cottage cheese, soya chunks, fresh fruits, and vegetable smoothies or salsas. Worried about your Health? Don’t Panic Go Organic with ZZorganic and try tasty and healthy recipes with ZZorganic Bajra Flour