CategoriesHealthy Foods

Amazing Benefits of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is extracted from the mustard seed through steam distillation. This essential oil has different connotations depending on where you are. It is widely used in Asian cuisine, particularly in India and Bangladesh.

However, in Western countries, it is not considered safe to consume and is known to be toxic. It is sold as a massage oil in some countries but is not considered edible. Whatever its reputation, it has numerous health benefits and can be used safely by anyone.

Mustard Oil Composition

It is a healthy edible oil high in MUFA and PUFA. It has a strong odor and a pungent, sharp flavor and is a reddish-brown or amber liquid. Mustard oil’s pungency is due to the presence of allyl isothiocyanate.

Here are nine benefits of mustard oil and some simple ways to use them.

1.  Cardioprotective Properties 

Patients with Myocardial Infarction (MI) who used mustard oil had fewer arrhythmias, heart failure, and angina. As a result, It is considered a risk-free alternative for cardiovascular disease patients.

The essential fatty acids present in it have been shown to benefit the body. It lowers LDL and HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammation, improves vascular function, and reduces the risk of sudden death.

2. Reduces Cold and Cough

Since ancient times, it has been used to treat colds, coughs, and other respiratory illnesses and allergies. Inhaling mustard oil-laced steam has been shown to relieve respiratory congestion. Also, when massaged on our feet and chest, a concoction made by heating mustard oil, a few cloves of garlic, and one teaspoon of ajwain provides relief from cold and cough. It may also be beneficial to patients suffering from sinusitis.

Tip-A teaspoon of mustard oil and honey can help with various respiratory problems.

3. Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal & Anti-carcinogenic Properties

Glucosinolate, found in mustard oil, has antibiotic, fungicidal, and cancer-preventive properties. As a result, it helps to protect us from colorectal and gastrointestinal cancers.

4. Strengthens Red Blood Cells

It contains all the fats our bodies need to perform various biological functions, including plasma, cell lipids, and cell membrane components. It lowers cholesterol and improves the structure of red blood cell membranes (RBC).

5. Acts as a Stimulant

It is a natural stimulant that stimulates our sweat glands, improving blood circulation throughout the body. It also helps with body temperature regulation and toxin removal. Increasing blood circulation throughout the body relieves and revitalizes stressed and overworked muscles.

6. Relief from Joint Pain & Arthritis:

A daily massage with mustard oil soothes aching muscles and joints. Due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help to relieve stiffness and pain caused by arthritis, a mustard oil massage is also beneficial to arthritis patients.

7. Immunity Booster:

Our body’s needs determine the composition of mustard oil. This oil contains 7% saturated fat and a high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids. It also includes a high amount of linolenic acids. The ideal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E provides the required nutritional value while boosting our immune system.

8. Reduces Diabetic Hazards:

Vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol found in this oil and has been shown to help control diabetic risks.

9. Boosts Appetite 

It is highly beneficial and can be consumed by underweight people. It stimulates your Appetite by pumping your stomach and facilitating the secretion of gastric juices and bile, which are known to cause a feeling of hunger.

Tip- When added to pickles and chutneys, it acts as a preservative.

Uses Of Mustard Oil

Fresh golden mustard on a wooden pot with oil

Effective Massage Oil

Massage with mustard oil in infancy promotes growth and sleep afterward. Massage with this oil improves weight, length, and midarm and midleg circumferences in infants compared to infants who did not receive massage. We can massage our entire body with mustard and coconut oil.

Promotes Oral Health

It strengthens your gums and makes plaque removal more manageable. Plaque is typically formed by bacteria that are encased in fatty membranes. Swishing mustard oil around our mouths can help loosen fat-soluble bacteria and prevent gum bleeding.

Amazing Hair

It contains alpha fatty acids, which keep our hair hydrated and lively while promoting faster growth. It is also high in antioxidants, minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, and vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, all of which benefit hair growth. Its antifungal properties help to keep fungus and dandruff at bay on our scalp.

Good for Our Skin

It contains vitamins B, A, and E, calcium, protein, and omega-three fatty acids. This aids in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. It also aids in the removal of tan from the skin. If you have chapped lips, it can help. This oil’s antibacterial and antifungal properties keep acne at bay and our skin clean and glowing.

Used as a Mosquito Repellent

Its pungent and robust odor makes it a natural mosquito repellent. Apply a few drops of mustard oil to your skin to repel mosquitos.

Helps Blood Circulation

According to Ayurveda, using mustard oil for body massage improves blood circulation and skin texture and releases muscular tension. It also stimulates sweat glands, which aids in the elimination of toxins from the body. As a result, it serves as a natural cleanser.

Side Effects of Using Mustard Oil

  • Erucic acid is found in this oil. According to research, high enough doses of erucic acid have toxic effects on the heart.
  • Long-term topical application of this oil to the skin can be harmful. It can even result in minor to severe skin blisters.
  • Excessive consumption of this oil can lead to rhinitis, a condition in which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.
  • Pregnant women should avoid consuming this oil because it contains a few chemical compounds harmful to both them and the developing fetus

In the end, we can say that it is excellent in moderation, providing amazing health benefits. ZZorganic conveys the need for an organic shift and represents purity and authenticity. We have pledged to provide our customers with the best organic oils in the market, as well as cold-pressed Mustard Oil and cold-pressed Flaxseed oil. Order now Healthy Groceries List. Place an order for Bulk organic food online and buy groceries online from ZZorganic.

CategoriesHealthy Foods

Benefits of eating Sonamasuri Rice

Sona masoori is a type of white rice grown primarily in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is a fragrant medium-grain rice that is light and low in starch. It is commonly used to prepare sweet Pongal, biryani, idlis, and fried rice. Knowing nutrition facts can help determine how it fits into your meal plan.

It has gained immense popularity due to its premium quality, with numerous rice varieties. It is a cross between two rice varieties, Sona and Masoori. Both rice varieties are famous in India, but they combine both best qualities. It is light, fluffy, aromatic, and high in nutrients. Sona Masoori with a rich fiber bran coating is more nutritious and healthier than the one with a white layer.

Sona masoori brown rice is one of the wide varieties that the country is proud of. This rice, grown in India’s southern region, is versatile and can be used to make almost any rice recipe. Because it is a hybrid of the sona and masoori rice species, it has an invigorating aroma and an unforgettable flavor. It is available raw, par-boiled, polished, or unpolished. The natural, brown, and unrefined type is the best choice for the health-conscious because it is high in nutrients.


A 45-gram serving of dry sona masoori rice, roughly 1 cup cooked rice, has 160 calories. A 45-gram serving of uncooked long-grain rice, on the other hand, contains 164 calories. Calorie balance is critical for weight maintenance and long-term health. Knowing how many calories are in a serving of this rice can help you track and balance your calorie intake.

Health benefits of eating Sona Masoori rice

  • It has fewer calories than regular long-grain or Organic Brown Basmati rice. This variety of rice is the best option to reduce calories and carbohydrates.
  • It is easily digestible and beneficial to weight loss. It has a 51 glycemic index. Low glycemic index foods are known to lower blood glucose levels and are helpful to people with diabetes.
  • It is low in starch and easier to prepare.

How to cook

  • In a large skillet/pot, place one cup of rice. To remove starch, rinse 2-3 times.
  • Pour in 2 12 cups of water. Allow it to rest for 15 minutes.
  • Place the skillet on the gas burner. Bring the mixture to a boil in a covered skillet, stirring occasionally.
  • Cook rice for 15 minutes (or until the water is absorbed) on medium heat.

Note: Add 1/3 teaspoon salt and one tablespoon butter/ghee for an exotic aroma. Bring to a boil with salt, water, and rice. 3-4 minutes before turning off the gas stove, add butter/ghee to the rice.

How to store

This variety of rice should be kept cold and dry, preferably in an airtight container. If the rice is infested with moths or insects or emits a foul odor, discard it immediately.

Nutritional Parameters Amount
Calories 340
Total Fat 3g
Sodium 0mg
Cholesterol 0mg
Carbohydrates 64g
Fibre 4g
Sugars 0g
Protein 6g
Iron 8% of recommended daily intake
Composition of two shots of white and brown basmati rice on wooden spoon for variation concept

Why is Sona Masuri Brown Rice Better Than Regular Rice?

Brown rice benefits outweigh white rice benefits in all rice varieties. It is because brown rice contains the entire grain of rice (bran, germ, and endosperm), whereas white rice has only the endosperm layer of rice, and the other two layers are removed. The germ contains all the nutrients, while the bran includes all the fiber. Regular rice cannot provide enough benefits in the absence of these.

Comparison of Sona Masuri Brown Rice and Regular White Rice: 

Regular Rice Sona Masuri Brown Rice
Low starch and fibre High starch and fibre
Contains sodium Zero sodium
High in fat Extremely low in fat
Nutrient-stripped due to removal of the germ Nutrient-rich and mineral-rich as all three layers of the rice grain are used
May contain cholesterol that affects the heart Does not contain cholesterol
Contains an average amount of protein Contains high protein

It has numerous health benefits. It can be used to make biryanis and pulaos or eaten with rasam, dal, or anything else. It’s also great for sweet rice dishes and is excellent for everyday use. Look for organic alternatives. Sona masoori brown rice is a win-win situation because it tastes great and is high in nutrients. If you haven’t heard of this medium-grain rice variety, it may have been overshadowed by the popularity of Organic Basmati Rice, but now that you have, why not try it?

Place an order for Bulk organic food online and buy groceries online from ZZorganic, such as  Premium Organic Sona Masoori rice and Organic Low Glycemic Sona Rice, Premium Organic Basmati Rice sourced directly from the farmers.